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Patient Information

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New Patient Registration & Appointments

Front Desk at Clinic

Opening Hours

Mon   8am - 1pm  

Tue    8am - 1pm

Wed   3.30pm - 8pm

Thu    1am - 6pm

Fri      8am - 1pm
Sat     Every Alt Week. Check with Reception 

Sun & Public Holidays- We are Closed* Unless Indicated 

Payment & EasyClaim

GMCSC is Private billing medical practice .
We will  Bulk-bill all Pensioners, HCC card holders , DVA Card Holders, Aboriginal & Torres Straits Islanders and Children below 16years of age . This is only for Consultation and not procedures

# Non Medicare card holders with private insurance can continue to use their card to claim the fee charged.

As for Tele-health there is no bulk-bill* and requires deposit payment online and once billing is completed, the rebate claims will be submitted and will be paid into the Medicare card holders bank account respectively.

* Bulk Billed upon Doctor's discretionary.


Our Fees 


Normal Hours Fees (applicable to all patients)

Short Consultation (23) -  Total Payable: $97.85 Rebate : $42.85, Gap Fee:$55.00

Mid Consultation (36) -  Total Payable: $142.90, Rebate : $82.90, Gap Fee:$60.00

Long Consultation (44) -  Total Payable: $197.15, Rebate : $122.15, Gap Fee:$75.00


Skin Check Fees (applicable to all patients)# :

  • Full Body Skin Check $180 (Medicare Rebate $82.90) Gap Fee:$97.10

  • Spot Skin Check $120 (Medicare Rebate $42.85) Gap Fee:$77.15





After Hours Fees (applicable to all patients)

Short Consultation -  Total Payable: $115.80, Rebate : $55.80, Gap Fee:$60.00

Mid Consultation (36) -  Total Payable: $142.90, Rebate : $95.70, Gap Fee:$65.00

Long Consultation -  Total Payable: $152.45, Rebate : $135.20, Gap Fee:$85.00


Skin Check Fees (applicable to all patients)# :

  • Full Body Skin Check $207.90 (Medicare Rebate $142.90) Gap Fee:$65.00

  • Spot Skin Check $115.80 (Medicare Rebate $55.80) Gap Fee $ 60.00



Medicare Rebate can be processed onsite.


Deposit Payment has to be made upfront before Consultation. Our staff will offer to process your Medicare rebate post your Consultation so you will receive your rebate automatically or within the next few days. 

Please ensure to bring along your debit card to receive the Medicare rebate.


We accept payment by Cash, EFT, EFTPOS, VISA or Mastercard.  


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Missed Appointments & Cancellation Policy

We understand that unplanned issues can come up and you may need to cancel your appointment.  If this happens, we respectfully ask that you call during office hours or email if outside office hours in advance or within 2 hours of your booking to cancel or re-schedule your appointment. This is to avoid and penalty charged.

Our staff want to be available for the health needs of all our patients.  When you do not attend a scheduled appointment, another patient loses an opportunity to be seen.

If you fail to attend your scheduled appointment without cancellation, you will incur a cancellation fee of $80.  This failure to attend fee is not rebatable by Medicare.

Updating Your Personal Information

It is important that we are able to contact you. If your personal details change, please contact reception on (03) 9088 4116 to update these details or email us at . This include things such as change of name, change of home/postal address, mobile number, home/work number, Medicare card number or a person to contact in case of an emergency.

My Health Record

My Health Record is a secure online summary of your key health information.  This means your important health information is available when and where it’s needed, including in an emergency.  When you have a My Health Record, your health information can be viewed securely online, from anywhere, at any time – even if you move or travel interstate.  You can access your health information from any computer or device that’s connected to the internet.  Whether you’re visiting a GP for a check-up, or in an emergency room following an accident and are unable to talk, healthcare providers involved in your care can also access important health information, such as:

  • allergies

  • medicines you are taking

  • a list of your medical conditions

  • pathology and diagnostic imaging test reports

This can help you get the right treatment.  You don’t need to be sick to benefit from having a My Health Record.  It’s a convenient way to record and track your health information over time.
Click here to view more information or contact the My Health Record help line 24/7 on tel 1800 723 471.

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Home Visits

Some of our GPs can offer home visits within normal opening hours if you are too ill to attend the medical centre and where it is safe and reasonable to do so.  This service is only available for our regular patients who live within a 5 km radius of the medical centre.  All in-hours home visits requests will only be booked at the discretion of the doctor, whose decision will be final.


After Hours Care

GMCSC provides out-of-hours care onsite till 10pm.

After 10pm, our services are provided  via National Home Doctor Service.

Please call 13 SICK (13 7425) or visit the National Home Doctor Service website for services and fees.

All medical notes relating to a visit from National Home Doctor Service is downloaded electronically directly into your medical history. If your matter is urgent, please present to your local hospital emergency department or call emergency TRIPLE ZERO (000) for an ambulance.

Scripts & Referrals

The policy of the medical centre is that all prescription medication (scripts including repeat scripts), pathology results and specialist referral letters (new or renewal) require an appointment with your doctor.

If you are a Medicare or DVA card holder, Electronic Prescriptions are now available.
GMCSC is now participating in SafeScript.  We do not prescribe Schedule 4 and Schedule 8 (Controlled Drug) pain prescription medications and other Drugs of Dependence to new patients.

Vaccines & Immunisations

Download and read the Pre-immunisation Checklist before your vaccination. 

Travel vaccinations attract an additional private charge and the cost may be claimable by your Private Health Insurance.  Please make enquiry to your Private Health Insurance directly.


The cost of procedures varies on the type of procedure and its complexity.  Please ensure you enquire about any cost prior to the procedure.


Our doctors may be contacted during normal consultation hours.

If the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken. Your call will always be put through to a doctor in the event of an emergency.
Communication via email is kept to a minimum and is conducted with appropriate regard to health information privacy and confidentiality. Our doctors will determine that this is clinically safe and that a face-to-face consultation is not necessary.



Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 


For patients who speak languages other than English and require the services of an Interpreter Phone 131 450 



For Patients with hearing/communication impairment, please contact 133 677.

Your Privacy, Our Concern

In accordance with the Privacy Act (1988), (Privacy Act), GMCSC is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. It is the Practice Policy to maintain the security of patient health information at all times and ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. All information collected in this practice is treated as “sensitive information”. To protect your privacy, this practice operates strictly in accordance with the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles.  If you have any questions about how we handle your personal health information or need to arrange access to your medical records, please ask the Practice Manager or your Doctor, as appropriate.

Quality Improvement (QI) Activities

This medical centre engages in quality improvement activities in several ways, and we update our practice policy and procedures in line with the guidelines provided by professional organisations and from suggestions provided by patients.  In particular, we seek and respond to patient feedback on their experience of the practice to support quality improvement activities.  We have a suggestion box in our waiting room for patients to confidentially provide feedback.  Our patients are encouraged to provide their doctor and our reception staff face to face feedback during their visit.  We also uses anonymous paper based patient questionnaires on occasion in order to get patient feedback.  As a result of the input from patient feedback, the practice will be able to institute changes that would improve the service we provide to patients.

Patient Feedback & Complaints

Your satisfaction is important to us. If you feel you have an idea of areas where we can improve, please complete our patient feedback form and place it in the suggestion box which is located at reception.


If you have a complaint, we encourage your to first discuss this with your Doctor or our Practice Manager.


Complaints can be emailed to the practice manager at

or posted to:


The Practice Manager

Gheringhap Medical Centre & Skin Clinic

21a Gheringhap Street,

Geelong 3220 Victoria




Office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC):

P: 1300 363 992 | E:

Generally, the OAIC will require you to give them time to respond before they will investigate.
More information can be found on their website:




Health Complaints Commissioner

Level 26, 570 Bourke Street | Melbourne | 3000

P: 1300 582 113 | W:



Accredited GP Practice

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